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Tutorials, FAQs, and how-tos for Fakturoid to Shopify connector
How to set up the app
Fakturoid: Release notes
How do invoice languages work in the Fakturoid app?
How to collect a VAT number (IČO/DIČ) on Shopify and send it to Fakturoid?
Can I import historic orders to Fakturoid?
How to add a link to the invoice into an e-mail or order status page
Fakturoid invoice creation rules
Order change behavior
Identify the customer for POS orders
Display SKU on invoices
Sending a separate email with the invoice
Add Fakturoid tags to every Shopify order
Why are some refunds without tax on the correction document?
Invoice numbering
Custom variable symbol
Displaying text on the invoice
Add tags to every invoice in Fakturoid
How to set VAT settings
Create invoice manually
How to upgrade Fakturoid to API V3