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How do invoice languages work in the Fakturoid app?
How do invoice languages work in the Fakturoid app?

Fakturoid offers multiple languages for invoice translation. Our connector between Shopify and Fakturoid decides the language automatically.

Lucia Dvořáková avatar
Written by Lucia Dvořáková
Updated over 5 months ago

How does our app decide when to translate the invoice language?

Fakturoid offers invoices in multiple languages:

  • Czech

  • Slovak

  • English

  • German

  • French

  • Italian

  • Russian

  • Polish

  • Spanish

  • Hungarian

  • Romanian

Invoice translation is fully automatic right now. Our connector decides the language of the invoice by the billing address of the customer that it's for.

So if the order goes to Spain, but the order billing address is in Italy the language of the invoice is Italian.

If an invoice didn't translate correctly, please contact us at [email protected] or via chat in the app.

Also, Fakturoid can only translate the invoice, not your actual product names.

Can I change the language of automatic e-mail too?

You can manually translate the texts in the emails directly in the Fakturoid administration.

The language of the email is automatically selected according to the language of the invoice.

If you have any feature requests that can be met from our side as the connector between Shopify and Fakturoid, let us know.

We also speak Czech and Slovak.

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