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All your questions and answers about discounting upsells

Lucia Dvořáková avatar
Written by Lucia Dvořáková
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Discounting on Shopify can be overwhelming. In this article, we'll explain how Candy Rack discounts work.

Default discount - Amount off type

When you enter the discount amount in your offer configuration and save it, Candy Rack automatically generates an Amount off discount, which is applied to customers' orders when they add the upsell to their cart. This is the most popular discount type due to its flexibility and compatibility with other discounts.

Example of discount configuration of an upsell

By default, Candy Rack discounts are set to be combinable with other types of discounts. If you prefer the upsell discount not to be combined with other or specific discount types, you can manually disable this option in Shopify Discounts.

Example of discount combinations that can be configured

However, there are limitations. For instance, customers can still receive the upsell discount even if they remove the parent product from their cart.

If you don’t want this to happen and prefer the discount to be conditioned on the purchase of the parent product, we recommend enabling the Apply Buy X Get Y discount option. Learn more about this option below.

Apply Buy X Get Y type of discount

If you want the upsell product to be discounted only when the parent product is also purchased, enable the Apply Buy X Get Y discount option. This discount is only valid when the condition (purchase of the targeted parent product) is met. While this is a safer choice, it is more restrictive than the standard Amount Off discount.

Since Buy X Get Y discounts are standard Shopify discount codes, Candy Rack cannot bypass their limitations, such as:

  • If Upsell A (20% off) and Upsell B (30% off) both target Parent Product C, Shopify will only apply one. If Upsell B targets Parent Product D instead, both discounts will apply.

  • Products that are part of a Buy X get Y discount are ineligible for further product discounts. If a customer enters a discount code that applies to products in a Buy X get Y discount, then the Buy X get Y discount is removed and only the discount code that the customer entered is applied to the order.

Custom discount code

When the Custom discount code option is not checked, Candy Rack generates discount codes with the prefix CANDYRACK to ensure each code is unique. For example:


If you want to use your own discount code, simply enter it to the Custom discount code input for Manual mode:

💡 If the discount code exists in your Shopify Discounts, Candy Rack will apply it to the upsell offers. If it doesn’t exist, Candy Rack will automatically create the code based on the offer configuration and its assigned name.

For AI Mode or Same Product offers, multiple discounts may be created since different upsell products can be purchased. To ensure these discount codes are unique while still allowing for customization, you can use the Custom discount name prefix feature to set a personalized prefix for the discount code.

For example, if you want discount codes related to AI Mode offers to include the prefix "BLACKFRIDAY," simply enter "BLACKFRIDAY" in the option's textbox. The generated discount code will then look similar to this:



  • Same Product upsell uses the Buy X Get Y discount as the default discount type to ensure the discount is only applied to the second item (added as an upsell).

Discounting on Shopify can sometimes be tricky and complex, but these options give you the flexibility to apply discounts in a way that suits your business needs and makes sense for your strategy.

If you have any further questions, feel free to contact our support team through the in-app chat or at [email protected].

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