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What are the Smart Auto-Upsells and how to use them
What are the Smart Auto-Upsells and how to use them

Everything about our most advanced and fully auto-pilot upselling feature.

Lucia Dvořáková avatar
Written by Lucia Dvořáková
Updated over 6 months ago

Smart Auto-Upsells are something we are really proud of as another app from our portfolio Candy Rack was the first upsell app on the Shopify platform that offered such a feature and it's a must-have for Last Upsell too.

Basically, it's a fully automated upsell system that will allow you to enable relevant upsells for all products in your store.

How? It's getting the most relevant product from the Shopify Product Recommendations API. Shopify’s AI algorithm uses the store’s data to provide smarter recommendations based on product descriptions and customer behavior.

To enable Smart Auto-Upsells simply follow the steps below.

➡️ Step 1 – Select Smart Auto-Upsell offer

Once the app is installed the first page you will see is the upsell offer selection with the title Fill Up Your Upsell Rack.

Smart Auto-Upsell should be the first one in the list. Click on Select to set it up.

Alternatively, you can get to this overview by clicking on the New Upsell button which is located at the top-right corner of the app. Just make sure you are on the Dashboard page.

➡️ Step 2.1 – Set upsell offer name and position

At the top of the upsell settings you can enter Offer Name which is used for your internal reference only. You can also leave as is and use the predefined one.

Below in Upsell Product section you can add a short text to the Description which will appear below the product on the pop-up. Typically you can use it to motivate customers to add the product to their cart.

In addition, the Product Count can be set up if you wish for Smart Upsell to offer multiple products. You can Apply Discount to these upsells as well.

➡️ Step 2.2 – Set upsell targeting

In the last section called Displays for you need to select what products or collections you want this upsell to be displayed for.

You can also target specific collections or products. By default All Products are selected.

➡️ Step 2.3 – Additional settings

You can control the Upsell position in the pop-up in case of multiple upsell offers. For example when you are upselling 4 products in the pop-up and you want to order them. The one with the lowest number will be displayed in the first row, the second lowest number in the second row, etc.

You can also choose from other useful settings that can help you better customise your offer.

In the Displays for specified cart value section you can set the price limit for which the upsell should appear. For example you can target products that cost more than $50 or from $10 to $100.

➡️ Step 3 – Save and activate the upsell offer

Now just click on the Save and Activate button at the right-bottom part of the page. And that's it, your upsell offer is now live. Congratulations!

To get more products/services to the pop-up simply create a new offer and use the same targeting.

➡️ Step 4 – Testing the upsell offer on the live site

As the last step we recommend to go to your website and check the upsell pop-up yourself. Simply place a test order and once it's paid (for example by Bogus Gateway) and you're redirected to the order status page you should get the pop-up.

Based on the number of upsell offers, your pop-up should look like this:

Happy upselling,

Your Digismoothie Team

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